Treñas welcomes Iloilo Airport privatization by 2025

Iloilo International Airport

Iloilo International Airport

Iloilo City Mayor Jerry P. Treñas welcomes the recent pronouncement of the Department of Transportation (DOTr) on the looming privatization of the Iloilo International Airport next year.

In a statement, Treñas expressed his elation on the upgrading of the airport because he has been advocating for this as a local chief executive and as chairman of the Regional Development Council (RDC)-6 Committee on Infrastructure Development. For several times, he has been lobbying to DOTr to expedite the airport’s proposed expansion.

“This is truly a dream come true, something I have long advocated for, dating back to my time as Congressman of the Lone District of Iloilo City and even until I became mayor,” he said.

Transportation Undersecretary Roberto C.O. Lim confirmed in a report that Iloilo airport is one of at least four more Philippine airports expected to be privatized in 2025.

The city mayor believes that the privatization of the airport will address long-standing operational issues it has been facing for years—from non-functional air conditioning systems to broken escalators—that have caused discomfort to travelers.

Seeing it as vital for the future of Iloilo, Treñas looks forward to seeing the swift progress of the project and the positive impact it will bring to Iloilo and the whole region.

“It will not only improve passenger experience but also expand the airport’s capacity to accommodate larger planes and more flights, ensuring Iloilo continues to grow as a prime destination for business and tourism. With multiple investors already expressing interest, I am confident that the partnership will usher in a new era of development for our region,” he added.

Treñas also expressed his gratitude to DOTr Secretary Jaime Bautista and DOT Secretary Christina Garcia-Frasco for their continued support, as well as all those involved in making the vision for Iloilo airport a reality.

He further expressed confidence that Vice Mayor Jeffrey Ganzon and his daughter, Raisa Treñas, will closely monitor the progress related to this project, especially after he ends his term in June 2025.

According to the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Center, two potential investors have presented unsolicited proposals to the DOTr to develop and improve the airport. These are Prime Asset Venture, Inc. in 2019 and Aboitiz InfraCapital, Inc. (AIC) in 2023. (GSTayona/Iloilo City PIO)

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