5 Natural Remedies To Ease Chest Congestion At Home

If you experience chest congestion, the best way to clear your lungs is by using an expectorant. These remedies help loosen and remove the mucus that builds up in your lungs. If you choose to purchase flu medication over the counter look for those with expectorants if you have chest congestion. However, there are other natural remedies you may want to try as well.
Stay Hydrated
Clear liquids thin the mucus that is trapped in your lungs when they are congested. This thinner mucus is released and removed from your lungs much easier. Therefore, make sure you stay hydrated with clear liquids if you experience chest congestion. Your goal should be to drink enough of these liquids so that your urine appears pale.
Focus on drinking hot teas, water, broths and juices that don’t have sugar added. Avoid drinks with caffeine, alcohol or carbonation. You can drink iced tea, but hot teas are typically better.
Using Herbs To Reduce Congestion
Herbs are great options for chest congestion. For example, adding a small amount of turmeric to hot water can dissolve the mucus in your lungs. In addition, onion extract reduces and prevents mucus buildup.
You can also drink herbal teas, especially ginger, peppermint, rosemary or chamomile. Peppermint has menthol in it, and this compound thins mucus and gets rid of phlegm. Ivy leaf is also a strong expectorant and can be ingested in tea.
Essential oils, such as eucalyptus, peppermint and camphor, can also aid in reducing congestion. Just add them to a diffuser or use vapor rubs on your chest.
Choose Honey
Avoid adding sugar to these teas. Instead, consider adding honey, which also relieves congestion. In fact, honey is the strongest natural expectorant. You can also drink warm water with lemon juice and honey to enhance honey’s decongestant properties and add vitamin C.
Steam Inhalation
One of the best ways to loosen chest congestion is through steam inhalation. One easy way to do this is to take a hot shower or bath. You can also make hot tea and breathe in the steam as you drink it.
A humidifier or vaporizer can add moisture to the air. Even though this moisture isn’t steamy, it can help your congestion. However, be sure to change the water in the tank and clean your machine at least once per day.
Over-The-Counter Medications
If your cold is especially challenging, you may add over-the-counter medications. First, you should know the benefits of cough suppressant vs expectorant. If you have chest congestion, look for an expectorant that will remove the mucus from your system. A suppressant can actually extend the life of your cold.
You may also choose a decongestant if you have nasal congestion in addition to chest congestion. A decongestant decreases airway inflammation so it increases your ability to get the mucus out of your body.
If you are looking for a homeopathic remedy for chest congestion, consider these suggestions. However, if your cold or flu lasts longer than two weeks or gets more severe, consider consulting your physician.