ICNHS students win 2nd place, ₱50k in Concentrix MOVE Challenge

ICNHS students, 1st runner-up in Concentrix MOVE Challenge with P50,000 prize.
Their app SmartZip uses AI technology in automated reading of electric meters.
Concentrix MOVE Challenge showcases the young generation as change agents and innovators.
Ilonggo senior high school students recently won a national award for their innovative app which uses Artificial Intelligence (AI) technology in electric meter reading.
Iloilo City National High School (ICNHS) Senior High STEM Students won First Runner-Up with P50,000 cash award in the first-ever Concentrix MOVE (My Own Vision of Excellence) Challenge last November 15, 2021.
The ICNHS team headed by Maria Lilian Jem Montero as Team Leader, Joseph Andrean De La Cruz, Leonardo Rosal, Ralph Archie Agreda and Raf Jeanel Simonio as members, was chosen as one of the grand finalists in the competition participated by college and senior high school students of 26 prestigious private and public schools from all over the Philippines.
Students from University of St La Salle-Bacolod grabbed the top spot with P100,000 grand prize. Teams from the De La Salle University-Manila, University of Science & Technology of Southern Philippines, and Mandaluyong City Science High School completed the top five.
The ICNHS students submitted an app as their entry, entitled “Automated Meter Reading Using Artificial Intelligence (AI) Technology”. The innovation aimed to deliver more effective, efficient, and accurate data processes with real-time customer information of power distribution companies in the Philippines.
MORE Power, Iloilo City’s lone electric distribution utility, supported the Ilonggo students by assisting them in data gatherings and actual processes for the development of their app.
The entry hurdled a two-month selection process en-route to winning in the competition, which aimed to showcase today’s young generation as change agents and innovators.
The Ilonggos students were mentored by their project advisers Rey J. Gonzales, Joemari Selibio, Francis Planto, and Astrid Haresco; under the able leadership of ICNHS principal Ms. Alpha Java.
“Out of all 26 schools and universities that joined the event nationally, we have shown that City High (Iloilo City National High School) can breed talented students that can compete against prestigious institutions as long as we have unity, perseverance, and trust in the will of our Lord,” Gonzales said via his Facebook. “This is a momentous event that will eternally be etched in our hearts and be engraved in our memories forever.”
Concentrix is a leading global provider of customer experience (CX) solutions and technology and the largest private employer in the country. Its MOVE Change Challenge aims to showcase the innovation capabilities of the next generation in becoming catalysts for change. (Photo credits: Rey J Gonzales)